<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/e6879ab6-5cb5-4c7a-96bc-06dca9a6eb52/discord.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/e6879ab6-5cb5-4c7a-96bc-06dca9a6eb52/discord.png" width="40px" /> dev-ada Discord Server -> **https://go.illinoiswcs.org/dev-ada-discord**



dev-ada will be mainly run through Discord and Zoom! If you're new to Discord, the most important thing you need to know is that we have two types of channels: text and audio (denoted with a # and 📢, respectively).

To connect to an audio channel, simply click on the channel's name. You have the option to connect with just audio, or additionally turn your camera on, and share your screen as well. We'll be using both audio and text channels for project work, mentoring, and networking during the event.

To rename yourself for the dev-ada server, you can click on the name of the server 'dev-ada' in the top left of the Discord page and click Edit Server Profile. Please use your real first + last name!


Here is a brief description of each channel we have available on the dev-ada Discord:


#rules - We have a set of Discord community guidelines for participating in dev-ada. Please react to the rules message once you've read them.

#announcements - This is where detailed event reminders will take place as well as any other general announcements.

#help - This channel is to ask for any help about anything related to dev-ada, event logistics, where to go, random questions, etc.

#introductions - This channel allows dev-ada members to post their introductions.

#find-teams - This channel allows members to find others that also need a team for dev-ada.

#random - This channel is for anything fun, memes, etc.

#opportunities - This channel is to post cool software related opportunities for our dev-ada members outside of dev-ada!

Project Managers

Please DM Riya or Noopur on Discord if you can’t see the #project-managers channel!


Each team will have their own text channel and audio channel to help communicate with each other and their project manager!